There are 5 Stages to Learning Spanish in the Spanish So Simple Language Course designed to take a student from Complete Beginner to Intermediate B2, (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), equivalent to a Higher GCSE or Junior Certificate Level.
Each stage comprises various modules sub divided into bite sized lessons which you can practise at your own pace using Audio- Visual Flashcards. These can be accessed online or downloaded onto a mobile device so you can practise your newly learned Spanish skills anywhere, anytime at the beach, in the garden or on a bus, plane or train!
The benefit of the 5 Stage Spanish So Simple Course is that YOU decide how much of the language you want to learn. As a retiree living in Spain you might decide you just want to ‘get by’ speaking Spanish on a daily basis so Stage 1 is all you require. If you’re a student studying for exams, the option is there to complete all 5 Stages by which time you will be a more than competent Spanish speaker!
A word of warning! Language learning and Brain training can get quite addictive! So, beware! ☺
TALK the TALK in 5 Structured Stages ….. It´s that Simple!
Stage 1: You Will Learn How to…
- Spell your name (handy for making reservations).
- Read and pronounce Spanish correctly.
- Begin to appreciate the connection between English and Spanish.
- Have simple conversations giving personal details.
- Make appointments.
- Use useful phrases for everyday situations.
- Recognise and understand numbers, prices and telephone numbers.
- Build simple sentences.
- Make exclamations about the weather!
- Converse in Restaurants, Bars and Shops.
- Form verbs in the Present Tense
- Effectively use mountains of everyday vocabulary!!!!
- Express Likes and Dislikes.
- Learn all about the 2 TO BE Verbs – ESTAR & SER
- Some special Verbs
- Express yourself in a Future Tense and 2 Past Tense Short Cuts !!!
Stage 2: You Will Consolidate Stage 1 and Learn …
- Further practice of the Present Tense
- Learn about and Practise Irregular Verbs
- Short Cuts into the Past Tense
- Parts of the Body
- Talking about your ailments
- Using Impersonal Verbs.
- Possessives
- Adjective > Comparative > Superlative
- Practice of the Present Continuous – The “ing” form of the verb
- Intro to Reflexive Verbs
- Adverbs of Quantity – Mucho / Poco etc
Stage 3: You Will Consolidate Stage 2 and Learn How to…
- Use the Past Participle
- Practise the Present Perfect
- Use the Special Verb : Acabar de + infinitivo
- Negatives
- More Common Impersonal Verbs
- Pronoun Practice
- More about Reflexive Verbs
- El Imperfecto
Stage 4: You Will Learn ….
- El Indefinido – Verbos Regulares e Irregulares
- El Pluscuamperfecto
- Práctica de Los Tiempos del Pasado
- Más Práctica de Los Pronombres
- El Futuro
- El Condicional
- Tense Mix
- Letter Writing
- Impresiones y Opinions
- Verbos + Preposición
- Para / Por
- El Imperativo
- Stage 5: You Will Learn ….
- Más Práctica de POR y PARA
- La Pasiva
- El Presente de Subjuntivo
- El Perfecto de Subjuntivo
- El Imperfecto de Subjuntivo
- El Pluscuamperfecto de Subjuntivo
- Sequence of Tenses
- Connectors
- Relative Pronouns / Adjectives